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2022年度社会责任报告       杭州永德电气有限公司 二○二三年四月       目 录 一、公司概况......................................................................... 1 二、组织架构和治理系统........................................................ 2 三、管理体系......................................................................... 3 四、利益相关方沟通与回应.................................................... 3 五、利益相关方的保护........................................................... 4 六、社会责任......................................................................... 5 七、社会认可......................................................................... 6 八、碳排放报告...................................................................... 6     一、公司概况 杭州永德电气有限公司成立于2022年11月,是一家集研发、生产、销售于一体的电力电工设备制造企业。公司主要生产0.22-500KV电压等级各型号、品种、用途的氧化物避雷器,10-220KV高压隔离开关;能年生产35-500kV各种型号的氧化锌避雷器6万余台,年生产35-220kV各种型号的隔离开关4000余组,是全国城乡电网建设与改造设备主要推荐生产企业之一。 公司拥有一支有研发能力的队伍,且与大专院校、研究院所及电力系统紧密合作,开发出多项专利产品,具有产品研发和创新能力。在金属氧化物阀片制造方面,有喷雾干燥造粒机1台、含水机1台、微量水分测定仪2台、自动双面成型压力机2台、排胶预烧、烧成、热处理四条自动控温隧道式电窑、超声波清洗机2等一系列先进设备。在复合外套产品生产方面,有捏炼机1台、开炼机1台、平板硫化机1台、10000cc橡胶射出成型机6台、硫化仪1台等先进的橡胶生产测试设备。在出厂检测方面,有20kA 8/20μS冲击电流发生器1台、2ms方波发生器3台、120kA 4/10μS大电流发生器1台、阀片加速老化试验装置2台、局部放电检测仪1台、负压检漏仪1台、氦质谱检漏仪2台及600kV工频试验装置1套和800kV直流电压发生器1套等。公司通过了ISO9001:2015质量管理体系、ISO14001:2015环境管理体系、ISO45001:2018职业健康安全管理体系。目前,共获得专利授权19项,其中发明专利4项,实用新型专利12项,软件著作权3项。 避雷器和隔离开关能全部完成产品的出厂检测项目。例如:避雷器交直流参考电压、持续电流、局部放电、雷电残压等出厂检测项目;隔离开关的出厂主绝缘耐压、回路电阻及动作考核等项目。由于避雷器和隔离开关在生产中均采用国内先进的生产设备和工艺装备。因此,这两种产品在国内均处于先进水平。 二、组织架构和治理系统 良好的公司治理是企业实现可持续发展的内在动力。自杭州永德电气有限公司成立以来,公司把治理与经营工作有机结合起来。公司根据《公司法》等文件要求,明确公司高层领导的责任、权利与义务,形成企业决策、执行和监督机构相互协调、相互制约的机制。在决策程序、运作上,公司按照治理文件的规则和要求来贯彻执行。各部门在部门工作职责安排上相互制衡,相互监督。同时,公司定期对关键领导岗位进行监督,促使高管人员肩负起忠实和勤勉义务,保证组织活动的合法性、规范性、有效性,在多年来的运作中,公司不断建立和完善各种制度,为科学、规范地决策提供了保障。 三、管理体系 公司高度重视企业管理体系建设,先后建立了ISO9001:2015/IATF16949:2016/ISO14001:2015/ISO45001:2018质量/环境/职业健康管理体系,严格按照体系要求进行品质管理、生产过程控制与出厂品质控制。公司采用ERP等系统,已经初步实现了数据的互联互通,过程数据、质量数据、客户订单数据、供应链数据的可进行相互追溯。公司采取适当的措施预防缺陷的产生,降低质量风险、质量损失和质量成本,提高了产品开发效率,为进一步开拓市场提供了可靠的质量保证。公司秉承可持续发展的理念,建立了ISO14001环境管理体系,积极防治环境污染,推动资源和能源的节约,持续改进环境管理。 四、利益相关方沟通与回应 公司结合自身业务和运营特点,通过科学的方法进行利益相关方识别,不断加强沟通交流,了解各方在社会责任领域的诉求,并用社会责任实践积极回应和满足各个利益相关方关注的议题,促进利益相关方参与,积极构建和谐共赢的利益相关方关系。 利益相关方 要求与期望 沟通回应方式 政府 依法合规运营;遵守商业道德;保障安全生产平稳运营;积极带动就业 遵守各项法律法规、依法纳税;配合开展社会治理工作;强化安全生产管理;积极创造就业机会 员工 保障合法权益;提供职业健康安全保障;提供职业发展与晋升通道;舒适的工休环境 符合各项国家相关法规; 提供健康安全的工作环境及应知应会培训; 提供专业化、个性化的职业培训与晋升通道; 客户 诚信经营; 提供质量可靠的产品; 提供优质的服务 诚实守信服务客户; 提供满足客户需求与期望的产品和服务; 设立客服专线 合作伙伴 遵守商业道德;公平竞争;公平、公正、公开采供;提供相关辅导与支持 开展负责人的采购工作; 开展供应链合作 环境 落实国内外节能减排政策、法规;实现绿色管理与绿色运营;保护生态环境 建立公司绿色管理组织体系;全面开展节能减排工作;开展绿色设计、绿色制造、绿色服务工作;实施绿色办公;实践绿色公益 社会和公众 支持社会公益事业 开展志愿者行动;参与慈善事业,积极投身公益事业 五、利益相关方的保护 (一)供应商利益的保护 坚持“共赢”原则,与供应商共同成长。对公司的主要供货商进行年度审核,以确保供货商系统符合公司需求;为促进新技术发展,采购和研发团队会定期邀请供货商到厂作新技术交流,让供货商早期参与为双方参与市场竞争提供助力;每年分享年度供货质量等报告,公司高层市场展望等,听取供应商伙伴建议。 (二)客户利益的保护 为了更好地服务客户,快速收集来自客户的需求和反馈,公司指定专人专门收集的客户及用户数据进行了分析,作为产品改进依据和新产品研发的参考。公司秉承“为客户创造价值”的理念,竭诚为客户排忧解难。 (三)员工利益的保护 员工团队的发展和进步同企业的未来息息相关,公司重视员工权益,严格遵守劳动用工法规,建立了薪酬福利制度,切实保障员工的合法权益。公司拥有完善的安全生产责任体系和制度体系,开展了多维度的安全培训教育,提升全员安全素质,营造安全生产文化,确保员工职业健康安全。 为了支撑公司的快速发展,提升公司管理水平和整体竞争力,公司建立了完善的培训制度,包括新员工培训和技术能力提升培训,制定了一系列的培训和考核机制,形成了以老带新的人员培养机制。 在重视人才培养的同时,公司非常重视提高员工的福利,让员工安心愉快的工作,让员工主动积极的工作。比如为员工免费提供一室一厅一卫的公寓式住房;制定实施了交通补贴、新赢项目激励、项目转化激励、项目降本激励、专利授权奖励等多项专项激励制度;每年提供赴行业先进企业考察和学习机会;协助安排子女就学等等。 六、社会责任 (一)社会责任理念 公司以质为生,挑战零缺陷级新目标;以产为主,降低生产成本新概念;以销为魂,卓越服务顾客新理念;以人为本,以“为客户创造价值”为最高追求,积极秉承以社会责任感为核心的精神内核,积极推动公司在遵纪守法、经营诚信、可持续健康发展、科技创新、和谐劳动关系、社会慈善、环境责任等各个领域的建设,在取得良好经济效益的同时,也取得了良好的社会信誉。 (二)环境保护 公司已通过环境管理体系认证,在企业生产经营与服务活动全过程中认真贯彻环境管理体系规范,推行节能减排,让每个员工都参与到环保工作中来,实现公司可持续发展。倡导环保公益是公司可持续发展的重要内容,这不仅在于公司注重生产环节的节能环保,更在于每位员工的内化于心,外化于行的绿色实践。邦得利秉承绿色办公理念,在节电、垃圾分类、耗材使用等方面实行了一系列举措:办公室空调夏季不低于26℃,可回收的办公纸箱和不可回收的办公垃圾及有毒有害垃圾进行分类处置,推行无纸化办公,通过OA系统进行审批、通知等日常办公活动,打印机墨盒使用再生鼓粉盒等,合理安排公务出行,推进视频会议。制定节能降耗计划,并按计划推进实施,定期进行评估。 (三)回馈社会 公司的成长离不开社会各界的支持和帮助。公司积极开展公益慈善活动,帮助他人,回报社会;同时积极响应社区建设活动,为营造社区和谐发展倾力奉献,与社会公众共同分享企业发展成果。公司以政府部门、行业组织、爱心基金为慈善事业的主要载体,以捐助贫困学生、社区孤寡老人、捐建贫困地区公共设施等为参与慈善事业的主要方式,参与慈善事业,积极投身公益事业。 七、社会认可 公司持续完善企业社会责任管理体系,以做一个有责任感的企业为己任,充分履行应尽的社会责任。通过对客户、员工、社区、供方、环境等利益相关者承担责任和义务,在公共责任、道德行为、公益支持等方面做出了积极贡献,实现企业和社会的协调发展,充分得到社会的认可。 八、碳排放报告 公司每年按照相关指南要求,对厂界范围内温室气体排放进行核算盘查,并接受第三方核查机构杭州申乾裕科技有限公司对企业年度温室气体排放进行核查,形成温室气体排放核查报告。 根据2022年核查结果,公司2022年温室气体排放总量为2303.59吨CO2当量。公司通过对核查结果的分析,查找主要温室气体排放环节,开展了一系列的节能技改项目,以降低能源消耗。



Surge Arresters

A surge arrester is a product installed near the end of any conductor which is long enough before the conductor lands on its intended electrical component. The purpose is to divert damaging lightning-induced transients safely to ground through property changes to its varistor in parallel arrangement to the conductor inside the unit. Also called a surge protection device (SPD) or transient voltage surge suppressor (TVSS), they are only designed to protect against electrical transients resulting from the lightning flash, not a direct lightning termination to the conductors.   Lightning termination to earth results in ground currents which pass over buried conductors and induce a transient that propagates outward towards the ends of the conductor. The same induction happens in overhead and above ground conductors which experience the passing energy of an atmospheric EMP caused by the flash. These devices only protect against induced transients characteristic of a lightning discharge's rapid rise-time and will not protect against electrification caused by a direct termination to the conductor. Transients similar to lightning-induced, such as from a high voltage system's switch faulting, may be safely diverted to ground, however, continuous overcurrents are not protected by these devices. The energy in the transient is infinitesimally small in comparison to that of a lightning discharge; however it is still of sufficient quantity to cause arcing between different circuit pathways within today's microprocessors.   Without very thick insulation, which is generally cost prohibitive, most conductors running for any length whatsoever, say greater than about 50 feet, will experience lightning-induced transients some time. Because the transient is usually initiated at some point between the two ends of the conductor, most applications install a surge arrestor just before the conductor lands in each device to be protected. Each conductor must be protected, as each will have its own transient induced, and each SPD must provide a pathway to earth to safely divert the transient away from the protected component, be it instrument or computer, etc. The one notable exception where they are not installed at both ends is in high voltage distribution systems. In general, the induced voltage is not sufficient to do damage at the electric generation end of the lines; however, installation at the service entrance to a building is key to protecting downstream products that are not as robust.



How Does a Surge Arrester Work?

A surge arrester is a device that protects electrical power systems from damages caused by lighting. A typical surge arrester has both a ground terminal and a high-voltage terminal. When a powerful electric surge travels from the power system to the surge arrester, the high voltage current is sent directly to the insulation or to the ground to avoid damaging the system. Lightning and Electrical Surges When a powerful surge or a lightning strikes a particular electrical system, it damages the whole system and any electrical devices connected to the system. Electrical devices work at a certain voltage range. When these devices receive a voltage way higher than the specified voltage sufficient for their operation, they blow up or get damaged. However, electrical systems that are protected by a surge arrester do not get damaged, because the arrester ensures that the high voltage does not get into the electrical system. Diverting Lighting and Electrical Surges Using MOV The surge arrester does not absorb all of the high voltage that passes through it. It simply diverts it to the ground or clamps it to minimize the voltage that passes through it. The secret to the arrestor’s success in diverting lightning or high electrical surges is the MOV or the Metal Oxide Varistor. MOV is a semiconductor that is highly sensitive to voltage. At normal voltages, the MOV works as an insulator and does not allow current to pass through. But at high voltages, the MOV acts as a conductor. It works as a switch that is open when there is a standard AC voltage, and a switch that is closed when lightning or high voltage is present. What Causes Electrical Surges Electrical surges occur when an incident increases the electrical charge running through a power line at some point. The most popular cause of a surge is lightning. However, lightning causes electrical surges only every once in a while. During a lightning storm, lightning may strike somewhere near a power source and affect the voltage running through a power line. Sometimes, the best way to protect an electrical device from the effects of a lightning surge is unplugging it from the power source. A surge arrestor may not work 100 percent of the time because lightning can produce very high voltages that even surge arresters cannot fully handle. More often than not, electrical devices that rely on high electrical power cause electrical surges (e.g. refrigerators and elevators). The operation of these devices sometimes causes a sudden demand for electricity that upsets the flow of current in an electrical system. Even if these surges do not cause as much damage as a lightning surge, they can still inflict major damage to some electrical devices connected to the electrical system. Installing Surge Arrestors Surge arrestors are usually installed near an electric meter to protect the electrical system of a home or building from the effects of power surges coming from the outside. A surge arrestor can protect other electrical equipment connected to the power source, but may not provide total protection against surges that come from faulty wiring or the overall electrical functioning of household or office electrical appliances.

